Total,circulation supply
GPT COIN is a unique cryptocurrency that has been developed taking into account many factors to ensure maximum efficiency and convenience for users. A total of 330 million coins will be issued, which are divided into several categories according to their purpose.
Finally, a limited number of coins will be available for circulation supply, which may lead to an increase in price and demand for GPT COIN. Being part of the GPT COIN ecosystem, you can be confident in its successful development, thanks to the funds allocated for marketing and platform development.
GPT COIN is not just another cryptocurrency, it is an innovative project based on artificial intelligence. Advanced machine learning technologies and neural networks were used to create a unique ecosystem that has no analogues in the world.
Total Supply GPT Coins
Seed Round
Marketing and Partnership:
Reserve fund
Launch of products
Funding and support for new projects
In the GPT COIN ecosystem, the total number of coins is 330,000,000. This amount was divided into different categories of coins according to their purpose.
At the initial stage, 100,000 coins were allocated for Seed round . These coins will be offered to participants at more favorable conditions than on the public market to attract early investors and ensure a successful project launch.
Another portion of coins was allocated for staking, which is one of the key elements of the GPT COIN ecosystem. 108,900,000 coins will be available to participants through the staking program, where users can lock their coins for 3 months, receiving high interest rates of up to 150% in return. This allows participants to earn passive income on their investments in GPT COIN and also helps to reduce the available coins on the market, which could lead to an increase in price.
The remaining coins were allocated to marketing and ecosystem development. 69,300,000 coins were allocated to marketing and partnerships, which will help promote GPT COIN and attract new participants. Others 62,700,000 coins were allocated to ecosystem development to ensure ongoing platform improvement and development.
39,500,000 tokens is allocated for a reserve fund, ensuring stability and sustainability during market fluctuations. This enables overcoming challenges and maintaining the reliability of GPT COIN under any circumstances.
33,000,000 coins is allocated for the development and launch of new products. This provides the opportunity to stay ahead of competitors and create user-centric products. Constant monitoring of market changes and customer needs ensures that products meet their expectations.
16,500,000 tokens will be utilized for financing and supporting new projects that strengthen the GPT COIN ecosystem and expand its utilization in various fields.
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