📈About staking rewards

The project offers participants the opportunity to invest their funds in GPT COIN with a high interest rate of 150%. To participate in the staking program, participants need to lock their funds for 3 months. Locking funds helps participants manage their finances more disciplined and avoid the temptation to withdraw their funds in case of short-term market fluctuations.

In addition, staking participation helps participants enter the GPT COIN ecosystem and access additional investment opportunities and participation in the project. Locked funds can be used to develop the project and attract new investors, which helps increase the project's capitalization.

The staking model with a 150% and a lock-up period of 3 months is an attractive investment tool, providing participants with high returns, stability, and participation in the project's ecosystem.

The final formula for calculating the future value (FV) considering the

interest rate (r), present value (PV), and time (t) in years is:

FV = PV * (1 + r) ^ t

10,000 GPT COIN.

Given the values:

PV = 10000 (initial amount)

r = 150%/365 (daily interest rate)

t = 270 days / 365 days/year = 0.7397 years

Calculating the value of (1 + r): 1 + r = 1 + 150%/365 = 1.4109

Raising (1 + r) to the power of t: (1 + r) ^ t = 1.4109 ^ 0.7397 = 1.5058

Multiplying PV by the result from step 2: FV = PV * (1 + r) ^ t = 10000 * 1.5058 = 15058.1

Therefore, if you invest 10,000 GPT COIN at a rate of 150% for 270 days, the final amount will be 15,058.1 GPT COIN.

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