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Welcome to GPT COIN - a cryptocurrency based on artificial intelligence. The project has established a convenient and reliable ecosystem for payment processes and innovative project development. Soon, the Swap tool will be implemented, and GPT COIN staking will be launched. A blockchain based on AI is also being developed, and a marketplace will be launched to enhance the ecosystem. Various events and contests are planned to attract new users, and integration into other projects is being pursued. Invest in the future with GPT COIN!
2020: Release of GPT-3 - a text generation model that can create high-quality text, answer questions, and much more.
2021: Launch of GPT COIN Codex - a platform that enables the creation of automatic code based on natural language.
Q2 1.1. Integration of the Swap tool on the GPT COIN website and application.
1.2. Development and testing of the GPT COIN staking system.
1.3. Launch of the GPT COIN staking.
Q3-Q4: Ecosystem development and expansion of GPT COIN's geographical utilization.
Q1: Conducting events and contests to increase participation and attract new users to the GPT COIN ecosystem.
Q2: Launch of GPT COIN's proprietary blockchain based on AI.
Q3: Preparation for the opening of the GPT COIN marketplace and integration with the GPT COIN application.
Q4: Launch of the GPT COIN marketplace.
Q1: Continuous development and improvement of the GPT COIN ecosystem, adding new features and tools to enhance payment processes and user convenience.
Q2-Q3: Development and enhancement of the proprietary blockchain based on AI.
Q4: Partnership and integration of GPT COIN into various projects and systems, improving functionality and adding new tools.
1. Development and testing of the GPT COIN staking system: In this stage, the staking system will be developed and tested. The aim is to make the system safe, efficient, and ready for launch.
2. Integration of the Swap tool on the website and later in the application: GPT COIN will provide users with the ability to quickly and conveniently convert cryptocurrencies, improving asset management and reducing transaction times. It will also reduce the risks associated with using intermediaries for cryptocurrency exchanges.
3.Launch of the GPT COIN staking system: After successful testing of the staking system, users will be able to start staking coins and earn rewards for supporting and protecting the network.
4. GPT COIN actively engages with its community: Events and contests will be held to increase participation and attract new users to this large and innovative family.
5. Preparation for the marketplace launch: In this stage, GPT COIN will prepare for the launch of its marketplace. Efforts will be focused on creating a platform that is user-friendly, as well as attracting sellers and buyers to the platform.
6. Launch of the marketplace and integration with the GPT COIN application: After the staking stage is completed, the marketplace will be launched, enabling users to buy and sell goods and services using GPT COIN. The marketplace is integrated with the GPT COIN application, ensuring fast and secure payment processing.
7. Launch of GPT COIN's own AI-based blockchain: The GPT COIN blockchain will have many unique features that allow users to quickly and securely process transactions and manage their assets.
8. Development of the ecosystem and expansion of the geography of GPT COIN usage: The GPT COIN ecosystem will add new features and tools to improve payment processes and enhance convenience. There will also be an expansion of partnerships and integration of GPT COIN into various projects and systems.
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